OABO Interpreter Updates – Free Throw Mechanics – Updated

As received from OABO Provincial Interpreter, Michael Kim…

Dear OABO member,

I hope that all of you and your loved ones had a relaxing holidays.  The latest interpreter updates are as follows:

Free Throw Mechanics
Attached below in the link is the minor modification to the free throw mechanics that is effective immediately.  For 2 person officiating (2PO), the TRAIL official will have similar mechanics to the Centre official described in the 3PO document.  They will no longer need to hold the signal for the number of free throws remaining following the initial indication and can release/drop the hands to their sides in a normal stance once the Lead has begun administering the free throw sequence.  The C or T official does NOT need to give signal 3 (start the clock) any longer, as well.  However, please ensure your table crews are well informed in the pre-game so they know when to appropriately start the clock.

On December 23rd, FIBA published 3 important updated manuals to the FIBA iRef ACADEMY LIBRARY.  Please download the 3 new manuals – 3PO Basics v2.0 Dec 2022; IOT Manual v2.0 Dec 2022 & FIBA Terminology Glossary v2.0 Dec 2022.  For the new centre FT mechanic, FIBA used our submission, and it can be found in the 3PO manual in section 2.22.  Other updates include:

1.3 Chapter added
2.5 Jump ball – point 5 added
2.6.1 Check-in principle added
2.22 Centre Mechanic Enhanced
3.2 Official Referee Signals Updated

Thanks and hope you all have a Happy New Year!

Michael Kim
OABO Provincial Interpreter